Chat 2021 Nov 10 zoom

Attendees (not complete list):

Carol Lynn Stewart, Jon and Avril Stewart, Nancy Levin, Diane Tokugawa, Ednah Friedman, Joan Grant, Michael Katz, Daniel Caracao, Carole Norris and Alan Kay, Alan Gould (host), Bess Chin

16:12:57 From Michael Katz to Everyone:

16:22:42 From Alan Gould to Everyone:

16:26:57 From Carol Lynn Stewart to Everyone:

I almost crashed my car due to Hopkins and MLK "bike" lane. My son bikes and he hates it too.

16:28:19 From Magdi Vanya to Everyone:

Completely agree with Carol. Safe, meaningfully designed bike lanes (and less car traffic) on Hopkins and MLK

16:31:36 From Diane Tokugawa to Everyone:

I had more mundane suggestions, street improvements, repaving, Rose between MLK and Sacramento, Scenic between Virginia and Le Conte, and traffic light at Virginia and MLK.

16:38:29 From Magdi Vanya to Everyone:

Traffic lights on Berryman and MLK, but MORE importantly Henry and Berryman

16:39:46 From Mona Bernstein to Everyone:

Is there a requirement for all new housing to have solar?

16:44:06 From Mona Bernstein to Everyone:

I also walk a lot and have noticed the increase in danger for us walkers. Drivers these days don’t think stop signs or turn signals apply to them. There has to be some means to increase our safety.

16:48:31 From Phil Price to Everyone:

Try this

16:56:38 Mona Bernstein to Everyone:

I live on Oxford between Rose and Beth El. I found out about this meting via the notice in my mail box. I would never have known about this group if not for that. I think we need to use old fashioned, paper-based notices in all of Berkeley for better communication for all residents.


16:57:09 From Carol Lynn Stewart to Everyone:

I responded to the notice in my mailbox too

16:59:40 From Mona Bernstein to Everyone:

Broadband is an equity issue.

17:03:38 From Michael Katz to Everyone:

Thank you Christina, Alan, and all. Need to go back to work.

17:06:36 From Carol Lynn Stewart to Everyone:

I was a member of this group long ago but it came to my work email and I retired.

17:08:59 From Carol Lynn Stewart to Everyone:

I think I must be on the google group that was how I joined

17:23:54 From Carol Lynn Stewart to Everyone:
