
“If such a solicitor comes to the door...what might I say to get rid of him pronto?”

Here are thoughts from neighbors:

[Minasian:] Get a GOOD look at him/her so you can describe the person to police. If possible (i.e. safely), follow the individual to see which direction/vehicle they are headed toward (and a license plate if possible)

Then get on the phone to the Police at 981-5900 and call in a report and ask for an officer a.s.a.p.

Don’t EVER presume that you are being paranoid or overreacting. That is exactly what will get you or your neighbors robbed.

[Bright:] Why not take a cell phone and take his pix and call the police while the person is still there in front of you. He will run. 981 5900 from landline or 981 5901 from a cell as 911 from a cell gets you highway patrol. Please share this.