
In our new era of climate change, there is a distinct possibility that the southwestern U. S. will experience a megadrought—many years of drought. It may advisable to get into a mindset that will prepare for this and start using less water. Dramatically less. Even if you do not believe that droughts are coming, you may enjoy water conservation as simply a hobby.

Ways to conserve water:


    • Don't have a lawn.

    • Plant drought-tolerant plants.

    • Drip irrigation for gardens.


    • Use low flow faucet and shower heads.

    • Experiment with very low water flow, even trickles. You'll find that it takes very little water to rinse off soap, especially if you also rub with your hands.

    • Navy showers: get wet and turn off the water while you soap up. Then rinse with very hot water but with minimal water flow—it's surprising how little water you need to get wet and to rinse off, using your hands to help rub off the soap.

    • While waiting for hot water, collect cold water in bottles (in kitchen or bathroom sink) or in a bucket (in bathtub/shower), and use that water for plants, flushing the toilet, or washing the car.

    • Generally don't wash the car, but if you do, see water-saving car washing techniques.

    • With a washing machine or dish washer, only run it with full loads.

    • Do dishes by hand in a basin.

    • Wipe them clean first with small pieces of bread (and eat the bread) as demonstrated by Lidia Bastianich (Italian cooking show) or wipe with wipe used napkins or paper towels that can go into compost recycling.

    • Save hot noodle water for washing stuff or watering plants.

    • When produce is washed, save the water for plants or flushing.

Toilet strategies

    • Don't always flush when you pee (the old saying "If it's yellow, it's mellow; if it's brown, flush it down.)

    • Look into composting toilets.

See also

New York Times Article "How to Save Water: The California Way"

EBMUD on-line form for reporting leaks:
